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Cheering Crowd
Its time ...
Invest in Yourself


Booking for 2 Hour Strengths Awareness Session - includes full 34 online Strengths Assessment

Please note: Upon submission of this form, an invoice will be generated for payment. Once payment has been effected a simple contract and questionnaire to facilitate the coaching process will be emailed to you. Once this has been received, access to your online Strengths Assessment will be sent via email. Please allow 30-40 minutes of uninterrupted time to complete this.


Once the assessment is completed, a follow-up email will be generated explaining the process of setting up your two hour Strengths Awareness Session.


Payments via direct deposit or credit card. 


Sessions will commence once proof of payment has been received. Please email POP directly to:


What to expect


In your session with engage with a qualified Strengths Coach. Everything will be treated in the strictest of confidence. 


Your session will include the following: 


2hr Session via Skype incl free Access Code to your full 34 Strengths Report.  Suitable for individuals from age 14yrs+.


Online ebook & *Reports pertaining to your individual Strengths.


​Follow-up Strengths Coaching package is recommended.


*Free Top 5 'Contributions & Needs' Insight Report available as part of additional Coaching Package


* Top 5-10 'Contributions & Needs Insight Report' available as part of additional Coaching Package




Click here to book 4 x one-on-one Coaching Sessions

Click here to book 8 x one-on-one Coaching Sessions

Click here to book 12 x  one-on-one Coaching Sessions


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. 

We're looking forward to walking this Strengths Journey with you.

warm regards


The WITH Team

You're interested in:




  • $495

  • R4350

  • £385

  • €425

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Our Social Responsibility Pledge


At WITH we believe the world wo be a very different place if everyone knew and understood their Strengths and Interdependence. Therefore, through your generosity in purchasing this package, one under-resourced person will benefit from a pro-bono Strengths Coaching Package worth £225 towards their personal Strengths Journey - thank you for helping to grow the Strengths Revolution


FUNDED ASSESSMENTS: We don't like to turn anyone away as we believe everyone has the right to understand and act on their intrinsic value. With this, we  have a small number of fully funded 2 Hour Awareness Sessions for people who wouldn't otherwise be able to participate in understanding their Strengths. Apply here putting 'Funded Assessments' as the subject line. 




We want EVERYONE to engage in Strengths Awareness. Opt to make a Contribution if you feel our pricing is unaffordable for you. The Assessment price is a non-negotiable as this is a set price, however, we will aim to find you a Coach who will work with you for what is affordable to your family. Contact us on the form above writing 'OPT TO MAKE A CONTRIBUTION' in the subject line and telling us who you are and how we can assist you. 





Corporate Contact Form: Contact Us
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