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I am interdependent with my Colleagues

Where Strengths & Interdependence are mutually inclusive

Evolution of Collective Engagement

Within Organisations

We want to assist to build effortless relationships to anticipate smart people management within your organisation

Why is it that since the 1940's only 30% of Organisational Change Programmes have been successful?


Our world is changing at an exponential rate and our systems, such as corporations, educational institutions, communities and families, are complex and adaptive. This means any organisational transformation has to be ongoing and adaptive too and recognise the integrative of these systems.


"Disengaged employees have 37% higher absenteeism, 18% lower productivity and 15% lower profitability" - Gallup

What is required is a set of 'Interdependent rules of engagement©' and people especially need a global 'language of understanding'. Unless the systems in which we operate know and understand the rules of engagement, and unless these rules are interdependent, people will constantly feel dependent on the organisation for instruction or  will operate from a silo mentality. 


At WITH our year-long Transformation Programs become intentional about adopting a change in culture that synthesises 'Interdependent Rules of Engagement©' with the global and positive language of Strengths - the intrinsic motivators that generate successful indicators of increased team performance, engagement, trust,  productivity and individual performance. 






To connect with one of our trained Strengths Consultants complete our form 

WITH Corporate Strength Coaches

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Strengths Coach . Workshop Facilitator . Career Coaching . Leadership Development . Individual Strengths Development

Activator . Maximiser . Relator . Positivity . Individualisation

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"Your cross to bear, is your gift to share "

Sam McDonald

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Hear from Our Clients

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Dylan Coetzee 2019 South Africa

I read a book called ‘Great Leaders ask Great Questions’ and that is what Sam McDonald does. In fact the right questions that start and spark the thinking process, because any answers we ever want, lay deep within us, and Sam knows how to lead you within yourself for that answer.

Before I met Sam, I had a perception of myself that I was ‘weird’ or too hardworking. Sam, however, could see my Strengths just by speaking to me, and besides highlighting some of them, she pointed out how working in our non-Strengths, we are effectively wasting our talents. Thereafter, I had a desire to pin-point and develop my Strengths.

I worked with Sam to unlock the potential of my Strengths, as well as gain an understanding of who I was, not by looking at my weakness, though we did spend some time here, but by understanding that I will grow exponentially by focusing on my Strengths and asking others to pick up where i’m not strong. 

The results after working with Sam was improved Leadership, Communication and a better way of seeing people for who they are based on their Strengths and working on that. I now set more goals, have improved focus, and ‘delegate’ my weaknesses. I also celebrate my successes more.

What I would have loved, if I had the resources, was to have taken one of Sam’s Coaching Packages so I had a plan to focus on and work towards. This would have helped with an implementation plan and goals to work on my situation.

Before meeting Sam everyone made me believe I wanted too much out of life and therefore, I was kind of crazy in their eyes. But unlocking the potential of my Strengths has made me realise this is how I was created by God. I am born to do great things.

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