"Disengaged individuals have 37% higher absenteeism, 18% lower productivity and 15% lower profitability" – Gallup

The future is in greater focus on developing Intrinsic Individual Identity (III)through one's unique talents and motivations, valuing people on the unique contributions these inform towards individual & collective purposes and encouraging alternative Universal Value Metrics (UVM) when assimilating value to people - this change is an urgent imperative and the numbers are clear, when everyone knows and are valued through their Intrinsic Strengths, Talents and Motivations indicators include:
Performance +36% higher
Increased Trust
Productivity +43% higher
+83% Team Performance
Engagement 6 x more
The Future of Individual & Social Change and greater mental wellbeing through Talent and Engagement Development
Disengagement is debilitating resulting in negative systemic consequences with far reaching consequences. Conversely, Active Engagement through knowledge and development of one’s intrinsic wiring and motivations and Interdependent Rules of Engagement, is at the centre of this approach as I specialise in developing one's unique intrinsic Talent Patterns and Strengths, making use of the CliftonStrength® assessment (taken globally by over 30mil people). I bring this together with a Coaching, Self-Learning and Development approach honed from extensive training, wisdom and lived experience.
This helps garner a deep and thorough understanding of self and others, bringing insight to all involved in the process, to motivate individuals to become the best version of themselves and optimise their natural wiring and intrinsic motivation, bringing this in service of self, the others, and the environments in which we live and play. This assists with self and group regulation, reliance on self and others, knowledge of one’s intrinsic motivation and why we uniquely think, feel, and behave the way we do. We look at what’s right with people, creating a ‘language of understanding through both our similarities and differences, which in turn builds trust, security, fosters confident vulnerability, and helps mitigate conflict.
This takes a positive, forward-thinking approach, to nurture and develop thriving and growing individuals, no matter one’s station in life. Strengths and Talents become a Universal Value Metric, allowing us all to recognise our intrinsic value contribution which can be applied to excel in our individual and collective roles: assisting in mapping out future career paths; growth opportunities; and succession planning; towards a genuine effort to invest in all individuals. It allows for transparency, feedback, accountability, and values that feed into diversity, equality, and inclusivity, as well as measuring the overall effectiveness of the L&D Strengths and Interdependence Training Programme by reporting on engagement feedback in the Coaching process.
Who I am: I’m an ambitious and inclusive motivated leader and team builder with a genuine passion for developing the intrinsic nature of individuals. I have multiple transferrable skills including Talent Management and Culture Development; Individual and Collective Engagement; Coaching and People/Social Change Management; Design Systems and Futures thinking; Creative Writing; Intrapreneurial. A natural and trained ability to understand the complex systems of human nature and behaviours, engagement, and conflict resolution, creating function out of dysfunction. I’m a natural visionary who is able to translate what people see in their heads into focussed longer-term strategies and horizons, to plan ahead, and design appropriate actions to influence the preferrable futures with a special focus on people change. An intrinsic talent of sensing and recognising driving forces of change and macro trends, and to identify hidden assumptions that may indicate changes on the horizon. This is as relevant whether working with individuals or organisations.
I’m disruptor of biases and world views, a change-maker who takes comfort in challenging rigid mental models and perceptions that may negatively impact the optimisation of individuals or future events. An optimistic, inclusive, and firm style of encouraging people and organisations towards engagement and systemic cooperation and awareness, building inclusive and diverse teams to work towards achieving theirs and the organisation’s, preferrable and desired futures.
Trained to look at the wider dimensions of change and developments in the global macro environment within all components of STEEP. Tools include the CliftonStrength® Assessment, Interdependent Rules of Engagement©, Foresight Tools, and Scenario Planning.
Who I am not: I love to focus on details that motivate me and I become fully engage with topics I find fascinating. However, I am not the person to work with minutia such as policies and regulations – these fall under my non-strengths and negatively impact my motivation.
Professional Bio: Sam McDonald
Hola soy sam
Mi enfoque está específicamente en el futuro de las personas, haciendo uso de la herramienta StrengthFinder © y las Reglas de compromiso interdependientes © para crear constructos positivos del 'yo' con el fin de actualizar su propósito.
Futurista. Estratégico. Ideación. Comunicación. Activador.
Founded a social enterprise: WITH GLOBAL Ltd, a social impact and human change-management business seeking to ‘unlock the positive untapped potential of all people, in service of greater human engagement’ which allows everyone to play to their Strengths and mitigate their weaknesses. As an ‘early adopter’ I brought this to BlueBridgeOne Consulting in 2015 to help create a Strength-based Organisation. Presented and facilitated a Strength-based Business and Development Workshop to 51 Educators of a top boy’s school in Cape Town, SA. Became an early adopter of Strengths-based Recruitment (SBR). Successfully placed a number of individuals into positions by matching not only their skills, knowledge, and experience, but also their Intrinsic-Identity© defined by their talent, to optimize performance. I am an advocate for ‘Blind-based Recruitment’. Listen to my Interview with Cape Talk Radio on SBR here.
Developed my own model ‘Interdependent Rules of Engagement©’ (I-ROE) as a mutually inclusive tool to the CliftonStrength® Assessment, to teach a new social system towards conflict resolution
Cum Laude Master of Philosophy, Futures Studies. After failing high school I wanted to try an experiment. If our intrinsic talents were matched to our learning, would the growth be exponential? You can read the outcome here.
As a serial Entrepreneur I have owned a number of small businesses. I was the backbone of Miraculum Cloud Computing, working with the founder from the start-up stage to merger with Blue Bridge One, working in all levels of the business.
Currently working on a social impact concept called ‘Motivate One Million’. This is to ‘leap-frog’ the current educational meritocracy and build youth from the ground up by empowering their personal agency through an understanding of their intrinsic wiring - assisting them in planting themselves in “their” most appropriate soil.
Founded my own Coaching Practice. Read my Coaching testimonies here.
I Founded the Guest House Association of Pretoria, an industry which began to mushroom, and lacked cohesion. This association went on to be instrumental in industry legislation and policies at local Government level, as well as change that resulted in a more collaborative environment where I implemented a 10% commission referral scheme. I went on to become a board member of the Guest House Association of Southern Africa.
Owned and developed multiple income generating, micro properties, which were sold with an average of 250% profit
All the above whilst partnering with my Husband to build his Cloud Business & raising three unique and individualistic children: all encouraged to follow their heart and build on their natural talents. 2 graduated with honours in Art, 1 in Electronic Music, all have start-up businesses and are engaged in meaningful, self-led, careers.
Professional Experience
Founder/Director WITH GLOBAL Ltd
Freelance Futurist, Change Maker, Strategist, Disruptor
University of Stellenbosch Business School Cum Laude Master of Philosophy Futures Studies
Professional Strength Talent & Business Development Coach, Sam McDonald Coaching
Recruitment and Marketing Manager, MC2S/BlueBridge One - worked with the founder from the start-up stage to merger with BlueBridge One, a leader in NetSuite, an innovative Cloud Business Suite, in all levels of the business including recruitment, call center management, marketing, social media, bookkeeping, client liaison. Self-taught NetSuite User. Engaged the company in a Strengths-based Change Management Program: on-going. Successfully introduced Strength-based Recruitment and Interviewing.
Micro Businesses included: Simply Sam Trading - Antiques.Brocante.Hand-made Gifts; The Pretoria Fun Guide; Sherwood Forest Guest Houses; Cafe le Fort Cookery School for under-privileged Individuals; Harley Central Reservations.
Marketing Member of Coaching Association of South Africa (COMENSA). Assisted in my voluntary capacity on the marketing committee to raise awareness of Coaching & Mentoring in South Africa through our collaborative marketing efforts as a committee.
Virtual Programme Assistant Strength Strategy Certification Program for Strength Strategy Inc. This virtual certification program helped individuals go beyond simply learning the 34 Clifton strengths. Participants learned to facilitate accelerated performance & help others strategically apply strengths to their work and life.
Virtual Business Development Action Team Facilitator for Strength Strategy Inc. This virtual program supported Coaches with their business development processes
Catechism Coordinator for children from St Annes, Michaelhouse, Hilton College, St Charles College in their journey towards their Catholic Faith – I developed group attendance from 3 students to 35 in a matter of weeks.
Toastmasters International Vice President Education. The main duty of the VPE was to educate, encourage and retain club members.
Cape Town facilitator for Live your Legend an organisation on a mission to reverse the 80/20 statistic of people unhappy in their work
Voluntary Work
Personal Hobbies & Accomplishments
Three time Swimmer of the largest Open-Water Swim in South Africa - Midmar Mile
Health & fitness includes Swimming a kilometer every day
When in Cape Town I engage in 'Cold-Water Plunges' in the Atlantic Ocean
Leisurely Country Walks with my Dog, Sheila
Tandem Paraglide off Signal Hill Cape Town
Listen to at least 2 audio books per month and simultaneously read at least one other book
Try to create or join a book club where-ever I'm living
An active member of Toast Masters International
Own and Manage a Guest Villa within a UNESCO Biosphere in the Cape, South Africa, where we live a symbiotic relationship with a troup of Baboons
Try to travel to different parts of the world on a regular basis as part of a life-style choice as a Digital Nomad
Leading the trend of an alcohol-free life
Married since 1993 and have successful and balanced children

Open for Consulting Work where I can bring my expertise in social & behavioural change utilising my lived experience, training, and wisdom as a Talent, Engagement and Foresight Practitioner Social & Behavioural Change; Talent Engagement; Foresight Consulting; Strengths & Interdependence Programmes . Strengths Coaching . Strengths Recruitment.